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전 세계적 성체 조배 동참 요청과 관련한 제52차 세계성체대회 준비위원회 사무국의 공지

작성자 : 홍보실 작성일 : 2020-11-18 조회수 : 3416


  제52차 세계성체대회(IEC2020) 준비위원회 사무국에서는 ‘온 누리의 임금이신 우리 주 예수 그리스도왕 대축일’ 전야인 2020년 11월 21일에 전 세계적 성체 조배를 실시한다며, 이에 동참해 줄 것을 요청하는 공지를 발표하였다.


  이 성체 조배는 2021년 9월 헝가리 부다페스트에서 열리는 제52차 세계성체대회 준비의 일환으로, “내 아버지께 복을 받은 이들아, 오라”(마태 25,34 참조)를 묵상하며 선한 일을 한 이들은 하느님 나라를 차지할 것이라고 하신 예수님의 말씀대로, 전 세계에 우리의 신앙을 보여 주고자 진행되는 것이다.


  세계성체대회 준비위원회 사무국 사이트(corpusdomini.iec2020.hu)에는 전 세계적으로 이미 마련된 성체 조배 장소가 안내되어 있으며, 새로운 성체 조배 장소를 등록하거나 각자 집에서 참여하는 방법도 소개하고 있다. 

"Come, you who are blessed by my Father."


Jesus, King of the Universe, says: Inherit the kingdom prepared for you, because you gave me food and drink, you clothed me, you welcomed me, you visited me…


He promises that those who do good to others will receive their reward in His kingdom. While preparing for the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress to be held in September 2021, we want to show our faith to the world through our actions. For this, however, we receive strength from Jesus. It is Him whom we worship in the Blessed Sacrament, and it is also Him to whom we pray in the silence of our home.


Let us do this again for the seventh time together in an hour of Eucharistic adoration or praying at home on the 21st of November 2020, the vigil of the Feast of Christ the King in thousands of places in the world. Join us at corpusdomini.iec2020.hu


How to join?


1. Find a location on the Corpus Domini website where an adoration has been organised or join from home! In the current epidemiological situation, where there is no opportunity to gather in our churches, we can also join in from our homes with our personal prayers.


2. If you find no adoration in your neighbourhood, feel free to organise one in your local church, in a school or hospital chapel, or in a monastic community, in cooperation with the local priest, church director or monastic leader. You can also join in from your homes with your personal prayers


3. You can pray before the Eucharist on display in silent meditation, in the traditional way, singing, praising, with children, families, young and/or elderly people. You can involve musicians, prayer groups, Rosary Associations, communities, schools – actually anyone who is eager to spend an hour together with the King of the Universe.


4. It is very important to register all participants. Our worldwide coverage will be complete together with you.


5. Keep in touch! You can subscribe to the IEC2020 Newsletter to stay up-to-date on the state of preparations of the Eucharistic Congress Budapest 2021 and get first-hand information about the programs and involvement possibilities.


We count on you on 21st November!
Kind regards: IEC Secretariate





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