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대리구 제도에 대한 이해 영문으로 읽기

작성자 : 수원교구 작성일 : 2006-08-21 조회수 : 1994

아래 글은 [아시아가톨릭뉴스 UCAN]에 실린 내용입니다.


KO00782.1403 July 28, 2006 59 EM-lines (697 words)

KOREA    Suwon Decentralizes To Boost Lay Participation, Clergy Cooperation

SEOUL (UCAN) The bishop of Suwon has restructured his diocese into six episcopal vicariates so as to promote more lay participation in Church life and greater cooperation among priests in their ministries.

Bishop Paul Choi Deog-ki of Suwon announced at a Mass on July 14 at Jeongja-dong cathedral that the new pastoral system will grant "substantial pastoral power" to the six episcopal vicars to administer their respective districts of the diocese. The diocese is based 30 kilometers south of Seoul.


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